Around 90% of traders make use of technical analysis in all their stock trades, stock chart patterns are the number one technical analysis tool used by traders. Chart patterns are used in monitoring the market trends and indicating the market movements. Chart patterns are used in monitoring the price movements of all markets irrespective of the asset. The 5 most essential stock patterns will be discussed in this article.

The chart patterns being discussed below are the most prominent and popularly used patterns by traders. They help a great deal in indicating the teens of the market during technical analysis. This article will help you under the most important chart patterns that can be used in your trades during technical analysis.

In every chart pattern, there are two market trends formed. It could be a continuing trend or a price reversal trend. The work of a chart pattern is to help traders identify these trends.
The stock patterns will be divided into two:

  • Continuation Patterns
  • Reversal Patterns.

Continuation pattern

A continuation pattern is a chart pattern that indicates the momentary pause of a price trend which continues on its trend after a little pause.

Simply put, a Continuation stock pattern can be referred to as a temporary pause in a price trend during a dominant trend. This is a time when a bullish trend pauses for a while during a prevailing uptrend, and also when a bearish trend pauses for a while during a dominant downtrend. As a price pattern is being developed, indicating a price trend can be difficult if there is no price trend confirmation yet. This is why it is advisable to study charts carefully during this time. The chart needs to be studied to indicate any break of the price below the continuation level. As a trader who uses technical analysis in trades, it is important to confirm a price reversal only when the price has completely reversed.

However, if a price trend takes a long time to form, it shows a more significant price movement within the pattern. A price trend is said to continue its trend if the price pattern breaks below the area of continuation in a prevailing bearish trend. It is also a price continuation If the price breaks above the area of continuation in a prevailing uptrend.

Listed below are the top three continuation patterns:

  • Ascending Triangles
  • Descending Triangles
  • A Bullish and Bearish Pennant


Triangles chart patterns are one of the most prominent stock patterns used by traders in technical analysis. These chart patterns repeatedly occur in a price chart pattern. This chart patterns trends for a long time and can last for months or weeks. There are three types of triangle chart patterns but we will be looking at the two most essential types.

Ascending triangle

A price chart with this chart pattern is a bullish continuation chart pattern. The pattern implies that price is likely to break out where the lines of the triangle meet. To illustrate this structure, a horizontal line has to be placed on the resistance levels and an ascending line is drawn along the support levels. The horizontal line in this structure is the resistance line.

Descending triangle

This is the opposite of the ascending line. This pattern denotes a downtrend in a bearish market. This chart pattern is drawn with a horizontal line placed at the support levels and drawn along the resistance points. It implies the probability of a bearish breakout.

A bullish and bearish pennant

A bullish pennant pattern
This is a continuation chart pattern that occurs after an asset or trade encounters a huge and abrupt bullish run. It forms when there is a momentary price consolidation, and then the price continues to trend in the same direction using the same velocity.

The bearish pennant
This trade pattern is a continuation pattern that occurs when there the price of a trade abruptly drops. It forms when there is a short price consolidation, just because the price continues to trend lower in its previous direction.

A pennant is referred to as a triangular pattern that is made up of several candle bars. However, it is not the same thing as the ascending, descending, or symmetrical triangle patterns.

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Reversal patterns

A reversal pattern is the price pattern that indicates a reversal pattern as a dominant trend. This pattern shows the time when there is a price consolidation in either a bullish or bearish run. The predominant trained pauses for a while before reversing in an opposite trend.

For instance, a bullish trend supported by the strength of the buyers can half, implying an equal strength from both the buyers and the sellers. The trend finally conforms to the sellers and begins a bearish trend.

A distribution pattern is known as a price pattern formed at the market tops. It shows that trade is controlled by sellers. However, price reveals that happen at the bottom of a chart show that the trade is controlled by the buyers. Similar to the continuation patterns, if the price takes a longer time in reversing, the expected market trend will have a stronger momentum.

There are different types of reversal stock patterns used by traders, but we will focus on the top two.
They include:

  • Double Top
  • Double Bottom

Double top

This is the Opposite of a double bottom. A double top has a structure of M. This pattern is formed when the price of an asset fails to break the resistance points twice. After two unsuccessful attempts, price reverses breaking through the support line and beginning a downward trend.

Double bottom

A double bottom pattern has the shape of the letter W. It shows that the price of an asset has attempted to break through the support levels twice. This pattern is a reversal pattern because it shows the reversal trend. After two unsuccessful attempts to break the support level, the market price begins an upward trend.


Chart patterns are very essential during technical analysis. Chart patterns are like the eyes of the trader in the market sector. These above-mentioned 5 most essential stock patterns are patterns mostly used by stock traders.

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